

The Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” is an association that deals with education and the provision of services in the field of personal and energy transformation and development, in Serbia and abroad. All classes, seminars, consultations and other services are performed by certified instructors.

Our vision is to help each individual to make progress, by integrating into everyday life and placing in the center of interest the techniques of personal development and energy transformation, as a necessity for improving the quality of life.

Our mission is to facilitate one’s path of personal development and empower each individual through quality education and energy transformation, which will allow them to raise awareness and use their strengths, unique talents, abilities and qualities to improve the quality of life.

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Psychomatrix Analysis

Psychomatrix Analysis is a phenomenal technique, which allows you to analyze the psychological characteristics of a person or the characteristics of an event. How? With the help of numbers. The main qualities of the technique are precision and comprehensiveness. By using this technique, you can easily get to know your talents, abilities, advantages, disadvantages and potentials.

The goal of the technique is to gain awareness of ourselves, other people, events and their impact on us. The technique is especially recommended if you work with people, own your own business or have a child. Whether you want a personal report, complete a Foundation class or become a Master Lecturer, the choice is yours. We will be happy to be a companion on your path of personal development!


What we are most proud of are the gratitude, satisfaction and smiles of our practitioners and clients. Here are some of the experiences.


We will cover various topics in the field of personal development and energy transformation on our blog. Also, we will share with you many techniques and tools you can use in everyday life. You can subscribe to our blog and receive notifications about new articles via your e-mail.

Emotions – limitation and possibility

How much importance do we give to emotions? We often give them more importance than ourselves. We even define and limit ourselves, that is, our identi...

The path to consciousness, the path to success

Success is a famous term that constantly, under the pressure of society, forces us to judge ourselves in terms of whether we are successful or not, ri...

Body as a perfect mechanism

How much do you like your body on a scale of 1 to 10? How much do you judge your body on a scale of 1 to 10? Be honest […]


You will be able soon to attend new classes, lectures, seminars, workshops and get free content. In order not to miss anything, you can find out about the dates of all future events in the calendar or subscribe to our newsletter.


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    • What is Psychomatrix Analysis?

      Psychomatrix Analysis deals with determining the psychological characteristics of a person or the characteristics of an event with the use of numbers. This comprehensive and detailed numerical analysis allows us to determine more than 50 parameters that describe one person. It encompasses all aspects of human life – character, energy, interests, health, logic, talents, tolerance, sexual temperament, spirituality, self-confidence, determination, etc. Psychomatrix Analysis determines the advantages, disadvantages, potentials, interests and reactions of a person in life and certain situations.

    • What is Access Consciousness®?

      Access Consciousness® is an energy transformation program, which includes a set of practical tools and techniques. All the tools and techniques are available to you, so you can choose and use them to change anything you would like to change in your life. The goal of their use is to expand consciousness, learn how to deal with consciousness and create more in our lives.

    • What is Access Bars®?

      The basic technique of Access Consciousness® is Access Bars®. Bars points represent 32 points on the head in which we have stored the electromagnetic components of all thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, decisions. Every thought, idea, decision or belief that we have fixed strengthens energy and limits our ability to do anything with ease in a certain area of life. With a light touch, we move the energy through the Bars points, and then they dissipate and release all the thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs that block us.

    • What is Reiki?

      Reiki is a method of channelling life energy with the aim of balancing and harmonizing all aspects of being, increasing the capacity of vital energy, strengthening the body’s defences, improving health and quality of life.

    • How many treatments are needed for a person to feel the change?

      There is no official recommendation for the required number of treatments because it is an individual matter. It also depends on what you want to work on. One person may feel a change after one treatment, while another person may feel a change after the fifth treatment. There are individuals who do not perceive change at all, even though it does happen. There are people who like to do one treatment per month, while some people like to do one treatment in 5 months. What is certain is that the more often you do the treatments, the greater the effects will be. Your consciousness is like a muscle. If you want bigger muscles, you need to train more. If you want to be better at a certain skill, you should practice it more often.

    • Are personal development and energy transformation techniques a substitute for medical treatment?

      No. These techniques are not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have a health problem, contact your doctor.

    • Are all classes held live or online?

      Some classes are held live and some classes online. It is best to contact the lecturer for each specific class. In the calendar, you can get specific information for each event, such as date, time and place of the event, name and surname, contact phone number and e-mail of the lecturer.

    • What is the price of classes, lectures and other services?

      You can get information about the price of classes, lectures and other services by contacting the responsible persons in the Center by phone or e-mail. You can also fill out the registration form below each service that specifically interests you (tick the “ask a question” box).