About the Center

About the Center

The Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” is an association that deals with education and the provision of services in the field of personal and energy transformation and development, in Serbia and abroad. It was founded with the target of helping and empowering those who want to work on themselves, be more aware, create more in life and be the best version of themselves.

Our vision is to help each individual to make progress, by integrating into everyday life and placing in the center of interest the techniques of personal development and energy transformation, as a necessity for improving the quality of life.

Our mission is to facilitate one’s path of personal development and empower each individual through quality education and energy transformation, which will allow them to raise awareness and use their strengths, unique talents, abilities and qualities to improve the quality of life.

Our targets are to:

  • present personal development techniques to individuals,
  • continuously organize classes, seminars, workshops, webinars, conferences,
  • perform individual consultations and treatments,
  • participate or independently work on projects,
  • publish and translate publications for education and other needs.

We adhere to the following values (4 levels):

  • The first level (I):

Integrity: We do what we say we will do, that is, we will keep our word on all agreements and implicit agreements with all practitioners and clients of the Center. We are ready, through communication and transparency, to hold ourselves accountable for all these agreements in order to continue to serve our vision and mission in accordance with the values ​​of the Center.

  • The second level (PCC):

Professionalism: We treat all practitioners and clients with respect, especially in terms of individuality and diversity, and maintain cooperative and empowered relationships with other colleagues. We do not make medical diagnoses, do not prescribe medication, do not suggest that the client change the prescribed treatment and do not interfere with the treatment of a licensed healthcare professional.

Commitment: We have regular contact with our practitioners and clients, and tailor all services to clients’ needs. By conscious actions, we show kindness, compassion and care for every practitioner or client.

Confidentiality: We adhere to the confidentiality of each practitioner and client, and treat as confidential all information obtained in the course of performing their professional duties while respecting the relevant requirements regarding their disclosure.

  • The third level (QCC)

Quality: We provide education and other services of the highest possible quality by constantly creating new, improving and innovating old education programs and other services.

Competence: We bear personal responsibility for improving and maintaining continuing competence. As certified instructors, we offer and provide services commensurate with our training, performing only those services for which we are qualified.

Continuity: We provide ongoing support to our practitioners and clients if they choose it.

  • The fourth level (HSS):

Holistic approach: We observe practitioners and clients as a whole, striving to achieve the highest possible level of functioning and balance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.

Security: We do no harm to anyone and have an obligation to determine the efficiency and safety of all our actions.

Sustainability: We teach you personal development and energy transformation techniques that enable you to live a sustainable life and through different choices respect other people and future generations.

The path of personal development and energy transformation, according to the model of the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic”, includes 11 steps. If you choose us as a companion, you can achieve the following on the path of your personal development:

  • to increase self-awareness,
  • to get to know and manage yourself better,
  • to identify potentials,
  • to improve skills and talents,
  • to build self-confidence,
  • to achieve targets,
  • to improve relationships,
  • to deepen spiritual development,
  • to perceive ease, joy and abundance in all aspects of life,
  • to improve health,
  • to improve the quality of life.