Access Bars® class

Access Bars® class

Duration: 1 day (8 hours).

Type: live.

Access Bars® is the basic technique of Access Consciousness®. Bars points represent 32 points on the head in which we have stored the electromagnetic components of all thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, decisions. All thoughts, ideas, decisions or beliefs that we have fixed strengthen energy and limits our ability to do anything with ease in a certain area of ​​life.

By using this technique, we channel the energy through the Bars points and then disperse and release all the thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs that block us. By activating the Bars points, we delete old files, which are not useful anymore. This content disappears from our lives and stops appearing automatically. This means that a gentle touch activates and releases efforts and blockages that do not allow us to live life with ease, joy and glory. Each Bars point represents a certain area of ​​life, such as money, control, body, healing, communication, creativity, sadness, ageing, sexuality, etc.

Access Bars® class lasts 1 day or 8 hours. The class consists of two parts – theoretical and practical. The first part of the class is theoretical because at the beginning you get acquainted with what Access Consciousness® and Access Bars® are, you learn additional body and verbal processes and tools, which you can apply every day in your life. After the theoretical part, you watch an educational film showing what Access Bars® is and how it is done. After the movie, there is a lunch break. After the lunch break, in the practical part, you give and receive the Access Bars® treatment twice. The technique has no contraindications. There are no conditions and restrictions in terms of registering for the class.

In the Access Bars® class, you will learn:

  • Access Bars® technique,
  • 3 additional body processes,
  • verbal processes (clearings),
  • tools with which you can change everything you want to change in life.

By attending the class, you get:

  • international certificate,
  • Bars manual in the language of your choice,
  • diagram of the positions of the Bars points through photography and colour drawing,
  • possibility to hold Bars exchanges,
  • possibility of holding private sessions.

The Access Bars® class is recommended to:

  • everyone (regardless of age, gender or health condition),
  • people who are under constant stress and pressure (managers, students, athletes),
  • mothers with children, young women who want children and pregnant women,
  • people with lack of energy, fatigue, poor sleep,
  • depressed and anxious people,
  • people with mood swings, anger, fear, PTSD, trauma, panic attacks,
  • people with eating disorders, obesity,
  • people who feel pain, resistance, pressure or discomfort in life,
  • people who desire to feel the ease and joy of living,
  • people who desire to discover their repressed talents and abilities,
  • people who desire to be more aware and present in the present moment,
  • people who desire to create more in all aspects of their lives.

Access Bars® can be your main business. It can also be an additional technique that you practice.

Therefore, the application of this technique is also recommended to:

  • therapists,
  • masseuses,
  • chiropractors,
  • those who deal with bodywork, personal growth and development.

You can see the date of the next Access Bars® class on the calendar. Registration for the class is required. You can register for the class below via the following registration form.

For more information about Access Bars®, you can listen to an official recording of Access and research by neuroscientist Dr Jeffrey L. Fannin.

Registration form

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