Access Consciousness® treatments

Access Consciousness® treatments

Access Consciousness® is an energy transformation program, which includes a set of practical tools and techniques. Gary M. Douglas and Dain Heer, more than twenty years ago, developed Access Consciousness®. All the tools and techniques are available to us, so we can choose and use them to change anything we would like to change in our lives. The main targets of their use are to expand consciousness, learn how to deal with consciousness and create more in our lives. Access allows us to begin to act as a conscious being who we truly are. We can use tools and techniques to change anything that does not function in our lives. That way we can have a different life and a different reality.

Access’s target is to create a world of consciousness and unity. Consciousness is the ability to be present in every moment of life without judging anyone or anything. Consciousness includes everything and does not judge anything. It is the ability to receive everything, to reject nothing and to create everything we desire in life, greater than we currently have and more than we ever imagined. These cutting-edge tools have transformed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Access Consciousness® has expanded to more than 180 countries worldwide and is being translated into more than 30 languages. Simple and effective tools help people of all ages and backgrounds to overcome the limitations that prevent them from living a high-quality life. Access aims to empower people to see different possibilities.

For more information about Access Consciousness®, you can watch the following video.

Access Consciousness® treatments

Access Bars®

Access Bars® is a body process that will help you relax, remove limitations and release thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs that disturb you.

Access MTVSS®

Access MTVSS® is a body process that will help you eliminate ailments, strengthen immunity, regenerate the body and withstand physical exertion.

Access Energetic Facelift®

Access Energetic Facelift® is a body process that will help you rejuvenate in a natural way and strengthen the skin and muscles of the face and body.

Correcting vision

Correcting vision is a body process that will help you improve your eyesight, solve problems with your gums and sinuses and change your perception.

Biomimetic and biomimetric mimicry

Biomimetic and biomimetric mimicry is a body process that will help you awaken your authenticity and remove programs taken over from others.

Cellular memory

Cellular memory is a relaxing body process that will help you remove physical, emotional and mental trauma.

Demolecular manifestation and molecular demanifestation

DM is the process of creating something that did not exist, while MD is the process of destroying something that exists.