Access Bars®

Access Bars®

Bars points represent 32 points on the head in which we have stored the electromagnetic components of all thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, decisions. Every thought, idea, decision or belief we have fixed strengthens our energy and limits our ability to do anything with ease in a certain area of ​​life. Each Bars point represents a certain area of ​​life, such as money, control, body, healing, communication, creativity, ageing, sexuality, etc.

Access Bars® is a simple, non-invasive body process, in which the practitioner gently touches each Bars point on the head to release that fixed energy. During this time, you lie down or sit completely relaxed. Unlike most other techniques, Access Bars® allows us not to relive the drama, trauma, and stress to release them. Also, at the end of the treatment, a “closure” is done, which makes it impossible for what was released to return. During the treatment itself, you do not know what is being released and from what time. The treatment lasts 60-90 minutes for adults and 20-30 minutes for children.

Access Bars® is recommended to:

  • everyone, regardless of age, gender or health condition,
  • people who are under constant stress and pressure (managers, students, athletes),
  • mothers with children, young women who want children, pregnant women,
  • people with lack of energy, fatigue, poor sleep,
  • depressed and anxious people,
  • people with mood swings, anger, fear, PTSD, trauma, panic attacks,
  • people with eating disorders, obesity,
  • people who feel pain, resistance, pressure or discomfort in life,
  • people who desire to feel the ease and joy of living,
  • people who desire to discover their repressed talents and abilities,
  • people who desire to be more aware and present in the present moment,
  • people who desire to create more in all aspects of their lives.

This technique has no contraindications. It is also intended for those who want to relax and enjoy. The advantage of this technique is that changes are visible quickly in all aspects of life. When people ask what we can expect after one Bars treatment, we say that in the worst case you will feel so relaxed as if you got the best massage, and in the best case, your life can start to change. After the Bars treatment, we can feel inner peace, a greater influx of energy, joy and satisfaction of living, resistance to stress. Bars treatment affects the strengthening of immunity, vitality and concentration. Because our connection with ourselves is stronger, it is possible to have better cooperation with the people around us. Science says that the shape of cells, under the influence of thoughts, feelings and emotions, becomes more and more elliptical, which is the first step towards disease. Access Bars® allows the cells to return to their spherical shape, which creates relief in the body.

Use the following registration form to book your appointment. For more information about Access Bars®, you can listen to an official recording of Access and research by neuroscientist Dr Jeffrey L. Fannin.

Registration form

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