Access Energetic Facelift®

Access Energetic Facelift®

Access Energetic Facelift® is a gentle and beneficial process after which the face and body look younger, livelier and tighter. With the help of this treatment, we trigger energies that allow us to release the limiting thoughts, feelings, emotions, judgments and beliefs we have about illness, ageing, ourselves and many other things. These thoughts, feelings, emotions, judgments and beliefs make the body weak, tired and deformed, while our face is full of wrinkles and without a smile.

The treatment is performed by lightly touching the neck, face and hair, which restores the natural flow of energy in and around the body. Thanks to this process, you change yourself inside and out. As many as 29 different energies are involved in this process. If we do it at least 20-30 times, we will make the effects permanent. Access Energetic Facelift® is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face, reverse the signs of ageing on the face and body, which deepens and accelerates the body’s natural healing abilities. It is a dynamic, yet gentle process, as a form of energy massage.

This treatment contributes to you through:

  • healthier and tighter skin,
  • firming and toning facial and skin muscles,
  • wrinkle reduction,
  • reduction or removal of scars,
  • pleasant mood and joy,
  • relieving difficult emotions, such as stress, sadness, depression, anxiety,
  • more space and lightness in the body,
  • initiating the rejuvenation process (cosmic botox and divine laser),
  • initiating the healing process, the wholeness of the body and the whole Being.

You can choose rejuvenation in a natural way. The client is in a supine position and the treatment lasts from 60 to 90 minutes.

Use the following registration form to book your appointment.

Registration form

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