Access MTVSS®

Access MTVSS®

Access MTVSS® (Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System) is a body process for removing almost all body ailments. This is one of the most powerful and dynamic tools in Access Consciousness® and is very often used in the most severe diseases. Also, it is a very gentle body process, which requires only a light touch. Thanks to the treatment, you will feel deep relaxation and create a feeling of space in your body. Access MTVSS® encompasses about 30 different energies, which are involved in the body during the execution of the process. It can be used in different ways, and with each treatment, you create different possibilities. This body process works at all levels of body regeneration. It activates the body’s ability to heal itself and rejuvenate.

Access MTVSS® can be used for:

  • arthritis and osteoporosis,
  • acute and chronic pain,
  • weak immunity,
  • panic attacks,
  • bronchial problems,
  • infertility and prostatitis,
  • angina,
  • gynaecological problems,
  • athletes,
  • the health of people who want to preserve the youth of mind and body.

Also, this body process can be used:

  • as a booster of the immune system (especially in immune system dysfunction involving the bone marrow, such as bone cancer and leukaemia),
  • as a stimulant of the entire immune system (especially when it comes to cancer and other potentially fatal diseases),
  • as a way to destroy programs that have distorted the appearance of our body,
  • as a way for the body to function with more ease during exercise,
  • as a special way of relieving discomfort in different parts of the body.

The treatment is very pleasant and if done 20 to 30 times, the complete structure of the body changes and brings peace and relief. The client is in a supine position, while the practitioner does the treatment for 60 to 90 minutes.

Use the following registration form to book your appointment.

Registration form

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