Biomimetic and biomimetric mimicry

Biomimetic and biomimetric mimicry

Biomimetic mimicry is a basic element of understanding other people. We then lock it into our body and copy others in order to fit in better with them. When we imitate other people we understand them better. Therefore, we take over the energy paths of these people and do not allow ourselves to show our creative capacity and authenticity, because we take over the reality of other people. People are constantly commenting on how son and father or mother and daughter have become more and more similar in movement, speech, physical appearance, etc. over the years. That is exactly what biomimetic mimicry is. Biomimetric is the way we try to locate ourselves in the space of another. Like when we have a relationship with someone and we try to adjust the two of us together.

The body process of Biomimetic and biomimetric mimicry allows us to unlock all those places where we imitate others and be authentic with the full capacity of knowledge, perception, being and receiving. With the help of this technique, we can eliminate hereditary and someone else’s forms of life, physical appearance and behaviour. We don’t need to imitate someone. By eradicating the reality of other people, we begin to return to ourselves, our reality and the creation of life in our own way.

Biomimetic and biomimetric mimicry allows us to:

  • cancel programs that keep us from implementing change and empower us to run it ourselves,
  • release programs where we copy or imitate other people’s reality, problems, diseases, limiting points of view and everything we have picked up from other people,
  • be authentic,
  • relax and have a feeling of deep peace.

The treatment is extremely pleasant. The client lies on his stomach or side all the time, while the practitioner puts hands on the body. The treatment lasts from 60 to 90 minutes.

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