Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing deals with contracts, vows, oaths, obligations and the like, that we have with our ancestors. Mostly we don’t know when we gave them and to whom. Contracts, vows, and all of the above may originate from previous lives, the period between lives or from this life. Ancestor influence can often be one of the obstacles and causes of our failures in life. Ancestors affect us in many ways.

We create contracts and obligations, and we give vows and oaths mostly with good intentions, in order to complete something that our ancestors failed to do or to satisfy some of their wishes. The main problem is the non-realization of contracts, vows and the like, which will continue to have an intense impact on us. We often feel as if we are being hindered from living our life as if we have lent it to others. All unrealized contracts, oaths, vows, obligations and the rest are energy blockages that don’t allow us to create the life we ​​truly desire.

Ancestral Healing is an energy technique that finds such energy blockages in the morphogenetic field and removes them. We don’t have to know exactly what energy blockages are being removed. Confirmation of the removed energy blockages will be the changes that occur in our lives. The client is in a sitting position, while the practitioner does the treatment that lasts 10 minutes. There is a possibility of contact and remote work. For more information or to book an appointment, fill out the following registration form.

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