Body as a perfect mechanism

November 12, 2021

Body as a perfect mechanism

How much do you like your body on a scale of 1 to 10? How much do you judge your body on a scale of 1 to 10? Be honest with yourself. Whatever you said is acceptable. It is of greater importance that you are aware of the current situation and know everything can be changed if you are willing. The body is the vehicle of our soul. We chose it. Even outside of this physical reality, the free choice always exists. Why did you choose that particular body and what does it mean? Your body will be the greatest contribution and help you evolve in this life. Interesting, isn’t it?

We get up in the morning, look in the mirror and start judging how we have wrinkles, how ugly, fat, swollen we are, etc. What kind of energy are we perceiving at that moment? Expansive, light? Of course not. Then your body gives us even more wrinkles, pounds, and everything else. Our focus is on negative things, therefore, they grow. Would you hang out with someone who constantly tells you ugly and humiliating things? Of course not. Then why do you expect that from your body? Why do you expect your body to do what you want it to do? You reject it. You don’t cooperate with it. The body is our best friend, it is with us 24 hours a day. Instead of being grateful for it and all that it has endured for us, being gentle and nurturing towards it, we judge it.

The body is the perfect mechanism. Who taught us to follow and listen to our bodies? Nobody, and the body knows the answer to everything. Whether to travel or not, whether to get a certain job, whether to have a relationship with a certain person. How often does the body give us signs and we ignore them? When we listen to the body and follow the consciousness, there is no possibility of making a mistake. We heard that it is not good to be sick and that it is something wrong. Is it true? What if nothing is wrong or right? The body only shows us what we are doing against ourselves. It gives us consciousness, makes us wake up, and see things we avoid looking at deeper.

The most important thing to remember is that the body is never, absolutely never, wrong! The body is only a reflection of our mind (thoughts, words, points of view, subconscious) and choices, and shows us our current state. We and our environment have programmed it to be as it is. Who gives us the first signs when something is wrong? Body. Through the senses, we perceive different sensations, feelings, which are actually body language. First, the body is conscious, and after that, we give a subjective interpretation of that consciousness through our perception. Behind every intensity, discomfort, disorder, pain, illness, lies consciousness. The consciousness we are unwilling to accept.

For example, we have been in an unfavorable marriage for a long time and we get high blood pressure (hypertension). The body tells us to get out of that dysfunctional relationship because we do not have ease and joy in that relationship, we are constantly nervous and under pressure! However, we still remain in that relationship, because we believe that we have no way out and no other choice, we have no place to live, etc. These are just lies we tell ourselves. We always have choices, we are just not willing to choose something different and we want to stay in our comfort zone. We created that high blood pressure with our choices and perceptions. Since we are very powerful and able to create it, then we can also destroy it. “It” refers to any kind of disease. The body shows us precisely what and where the disease is and what we are not willing to see and change.

And that’s not wrong, it is a blessing. We are receiving exact instructions on what we are doing against ourselves. We hold on to anger, sadness, resentment, vanity, jealousy, and we are unwilling to let them go. If we let them go, everything would be easier. Sometimes we’d rather die than let go. It is our choice, death is, also, our choice. If we do not see the purpose of living that we choose for ourselves, it means that we are slowly dying. What if nothing in this world has a purpose, but we are just here to have fun and enjoy? What if you can enjoy life without any projections, expectations, and attachments to the results?

Everything we do in this reality, we do for the sake of our body: buy food, drinks, clothes, drive cars, have sex, and the rest. If we did not have our own bodies, we would not be able to experience the many pleasures of this physical reality. How grateful can we be for that? How much do we burden our body with food or buying unnecessary clothes to satisfy some need of our own—an emotion we don’t want to let go? And the body tells us it’s not working! We still feel sad, depressed, cut off from the world, misunderstood. Just because we are not willing to look deeper into what our body is telling us.

When we constantly abuse our body by not giving it the adequate things it asks for, what do we expect from it? To suffer for eternity because of us? Always observe your body as your best friend and listen to what it tells you. In order to change the current state of our body, we must first be willing to change our attitude towards it. Our body is not our enemy, be nurturing and gentle towards it. Then be willing to receive the consciousness behind every intensity (symptoms, illness, pain). When we are willing to release it and when we receive consciousness, all intensity disappears, because we release the energy that we have fixed in our body. And another important thing is that we should make choices that are in line with that change. Ask the body, “Body, how can we change this?” When you get the information, choose it for you and your body.