Nemanja Veselinovic

Coach of personal development and energy transformation

January 8, 2021

Nemanja Veselinovic

  • Coach of personal development and energy transformation,
  • Lecturer,
  • Psychomatrix Analysis Master Lecturer (PAML),
  • Access Bars® Facilitator and Practitioner (BF, BP),
  • Access Facelift® and Body Process Practitioner (AFPR, BPP),
  • ThetaHealing® Practitioner,
  • Art fractals Practitioner,
  • Reiki master.

Nemanja Veselinovic has been lecturing in the field of personal development and energy transformation since 2019. Since 2018, he has been actively improving in this area through the following techniques: Psychomatrix Analysis, Access Consciousness®, Reiki, Art Fractals. He primarily applied the techniques of personal development and energy transformation to himself for many years, and later decided to share his knowledge with others. He created his own educational system within the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinović” for the technique Psychomatrix Analysis in 2019.

Also, Nemanja is a PhD student at the Faculty of Economics, University of Nis. He completed his undergraduate and master’s academic studies at the Faculty of Economics in Nis with an average grade of 10.00 as the best student at the Faculty of Economics and the University of Nis. During his studies, he received a large number of awards and scholarships. He is the winner of numerous competitions – case studies. One of his life missions is to spread consciousness around the world. He believes that working on oneself and consciousness is a necessity because it represents the basis for living with ease and joy.

Contact phone: +381653883999