Emotions – limitation and possibility

June 12, 2021

Emotions – limitation and possibility

How much importance do we give to emotions? We often give them more importance than ourselves. We even define and limit ourselves, that is, our identity to certain thoughts, feelings and emotions. Are we really the emotions we are experiencing? Is it true? What is your truth? What do you know about that? It is important to say that emotions are neither wrong nor right. It’s okay to be joyful, angry, jealous and the like. However, what is relevant is what emotions tell us. What is behind every emotion? How often do we want to be aware of what we are creating? What possibilities with emotions do we have? How often do you deal with your emotions? Are you wondering what do you use certain emotions for?

Emotions are energy in motion. As long as that energy is moving and when we are willing to quickly release all emotions, it is great for us and our body. Otherwise, when we do not want to release a certain emotion (resentment, anger, fear, etc.), then we solidify that energy in the body and it makes it difficult for us to do something different or to change something. Energy builds up and an energy blockage occurs, which can cause pain, illness or any other type of discomfort. That is why it is necessary to let go and release emotions quickly so that we do not hurt ourselves and our body. In addition, when we give importance to emotions, they have an even greater impact and we additionally solidify this energy as our reality.

It has long been scientifically proven that emotions affect our organs, but also that our organs affect our emotions (“In a healthy body, a healthy spirit.”). By working on cognition, control and releasing emotions, we improve our health. By working on our body and health, we enable ourselves to feel better. The body (organs) represents the physical component in this process, while the soul (emotions) represents the spiritual component. Emotions are said to represent the language of the soul. The main mediator between them is life energy, so working with life energy is necessary to improve the quality of life. As you can see, emotions are connected to the soul and the subconscious. Therefore, emotions are a record of the past.

The past, the subconscious and the soul lead us to a vicious circle (thoughts – choices – behaviors – experiences – emotions) in which we often revolve during life and we can never get out of it. Do you know what is the basis of this circle? How do thoughts arise? Now we will only intrigue you, but we will talk about that in a future article. Certain thoughts, choices, behaviors, and experiences from the past have led us to experience certain emotions and become attached to them. Because of this attachment, we enter a vicious circle that keeps us in our comfort zone. We become addicted to the emotion we have experienced.

For example, a gambler experiences the joy of gambling, constantly thinks about gambling, then continues to gamble in order to experience the same emotion again. Therefore, we constantly think the same, we choose the same, we behave the same, in order to experience the same things and experience the same emotions. Thus we limit ourselves by creating the same life over and over again, that is, by repeating our past. If you are not happy with your life and past, then do something different! Think, choose and behave differently. Change, because we can’t have different results if we do everything the same as before. Everything you don’t change, you choose! Read this several times.

When we enter into a certain reaction (affect), we cannot be fully aware. This means that emotions limit our awareness, and therefore the possibilities we have. For example, when we are angry with somebody we want to get into a conflict with that person, even though it doesn’t create more in our life or in the life of the other person, but then we are not able to see it at that moment. It is not wrong or right to be an emotional being, we just need to understand that it brings us limitations. If we can choose to use our full potential of an infinite being, why would we define and diminish ourselves and our being through emotions (emotional being – limited being)? Emotions are a lower level of being. In this reality, we use emotions to prove that we are beings, that is, to prove the intensity of our being. We are much more than that. In complete being, joy is our natural emotion. Look at the babies, they are always laughing and happy. They only cry when they are endangered or when they want to give us some information (they are hungry, we need to change diapers, etc.).

And what if we don’t always have to go through drama, stress and trauma? In order not to create energy blockages, it is necessary to be aware of the information that is hidden behind every emotion. What if the emotion is just information? When you become aware of the information, the emotion disappears. The informative characteristic of emotion is actually an opportunity that we can always use to make our lives better and easier. For example, a person lied to us and we are angry because we are aware of the lie in the story. When we become aware of this information, the anger disappears. Or would we rather choose to be angry, sad, pathetic? We often choose it instead of lightness and joy. We emphasize again, that is neither right nor wrong, we just need to look at what we desire, what we often do and be aware of our choices.

You can soon expect the introductory webinar “The Path to Consciousness, the Path to Success”, followed by three levels of workshops where we will work on all levels: emotional, mental, spiritual and physical. The first level workshop refers to the emotional level. While we are preparing workshops for you, you can follow future events, articles and posts.


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