LEVEL 7 – Psychomatrix Analysis Master Lecturer (PAML)

LEVEL 7 – Psychomatrix Analysis Master Lecturer (PAML)


  • to be at the level of lecturer for at least 3 years (Level 6),
  • mastering through holding classes, practical work and attending professional conferences,
  • attendance of every seminar of the Center related to this technique,
  • obtained positive assessment by the Center,
  • paid annual membership fee.

To register for Level 7, you need to pass all previous levels, additional classes, hold Foundation classes for at least 3 years, obtain approval from the main Master Lecturer and pay the annual membership fee. When you meet all the prerequisites, you get the title of Psychomatrix Analysis Master Lecturer (PAML). As a Master Lecturer, you can hold all levels of classes, give access to online manuals and sign the certificates of the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic”. In order to maintain your status as Master Lecturer, it is necessary to hold a minimum of 2 Foundation and 2 advanced classes per year (20% of the class price goes to the Center for each registered candidate) and to be present at all conferences and seminars.

For Level 7 – level for Master Lecturers you can register via the following registration form.

Registration form

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