Life – choice or destiny

June 5, 2021

Life – choice or destiny

Once in your life, you have certainly wondered if there are destiny and someone who creates our life, or it is actually us who create our own life. What if we create all life situations ourselves, and others only contribute to us on our path of creation? What if the choice is the main source of creation? What if destiny is the sum of all our life choices, including death? We will let you think about it and discuss this in one of the following articles.

Let us recall the words of Meša Selimović: “Life is a choice, not a destiny, because an ordinary man lives as he must, and a real man lives as he wants; the life to which he agrees miserably and without resistance is a miserable torment, and the chosen life is freedom. Man becomes free by his decision, resistance and disapproval.” Have you heard of the following: “Destiny is a choice, a choice is destiny”? Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst of Hungarian origin, Leopold Szondi, believes that our choice makes destiny. If the choice is free, then it enables the harmonious functioning of the personality through integration, participation and transcendence.

On the other hand, if the choice is influenced by repressed contents of the family unconscious (influence of specific genes, so-called instinct – genes), then destiny becomes forced, by repeating existential forms of ancestors (as in so-called neurosis of destiny – when someone creates failures, frequent injuries or traffic accidents without the possibility of change). These are polar-opposing possibilities of destiny, and we can choose only one of them.

Personal development technique called Psychomatrix Analysis shows through numbers how we are connected with our ancestors and how we repeat patterns of behaviour through generations. In order to change that, we need to be aware of it first. Then we need to make choices that are in line with us and our interests on the path of self-realization. The influence of our ancestors on us through genes can be changed by conscious action and work on ourselves. Psychomatrix Analysis also shows the impact of our choices on our future development, energy and health. This technique confirms that we are personal creators of our lives through the choices we make. We choose for ourselves whether we will choose the position of “victim” or “master” of life.

Ever since we were born, they have never taught us to choose, to have a choice, but they have always imposed on us what we have to do, study or eat. Nowadays, we often encounter insecurity when we have multiple choices. Remember this, there are infinite choices. The sooner we realize that the more freedom we will have in life. Not choosing something or not choosing anything is also a choice. If we don’t choose for ourselves, someone will have to choose for us. Our parents, friends, teachers, culture, religion, state will choose for us and we will act according to their choices whether we like it or not.

The key thing here is to take responsibility for our choices and life. We will either take life into our own hands or hand it over to others. The choice is up to us again. It is clear that it is much easier to blame parents, the state and everyone else because our life is as it is than to start something or make our lives greater. Changes are always possible when we are ready for them. The universe will send us everything we need on the path of change if we demand it and are ready to create more in our lives.

Choose, choose, and choose. If we make a choice that does not suit us, it does not mean that the choice is wrong. Every choice gives us a certain awareness, so we are always in a winning situation. Making a choice is better than procrastination because of the fear of a “wrong” choice. Practice choosing daily with an awareness of what your choice will create. Take life into your own hands. Only then you will get what you desire and live the life you truly desire. Ask yourself, “What will this choice create?”, “If I choose this, what will my life be like in 5 years?”, “If I don’t choose this, what will my life be like in 5 years?”. Our choices today create our future tomorrow.


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