Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” takes the privacy of those who visit our website seriously. We have established this Privacy Policy to disclose what information we collect and how that information is used and protected.

By accessing this website ( you confirm the terms and conditions stated here. We reserve the right to change this policy at our sole discretion and without notice.


When a user visits our website, we collect visitor information that does not personally identify the user. We track information such as the domain the user comes from and the type of user browser. We also collect certain information regarding a user’s session on our website. This includes items such as date, time of visit and pages viewed.

Sometimes we ask users to voluntarily provide information that can personally identify them. This information generally includes, but is not limited to, name, e-mail address, postal address, and telephone number. We request this information when a user requests any of the following:

  • to register for attending an online seminar or class,
  • to get certain information,
  • to subscribe to the mailing list,
  • to correspond with us,
  • or any other such activity we deem necessary.

The Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” does not collect any personal data on financial or health information.


Non-personally-identifying information is collected to enable us to analyze how our website is used and to improve the content and services that the website provides. Personally-identifying information is collected for analysis to improve the content of the website and the services we provide to the user.

The Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” has the collected information and will not sell, trade or rent it to others. We may use the information to maintain contact with the user. This may include contacts such as subsequent calls, e-mail correspondence, or mail correspondence to track contact or provide marketing information about promotions, new services, or important changes to the website.


We may use cookies to provide you with a better service. Cookies are data that a website transfers to your computer’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies can make the Internet more useful by storing information about your preferences for a particular website. The use of cookies is an industry-standard and many large websites use them to provide useful functions to their customers. Cookies by themselves do not identify users personally, although they do identify the user’s computer. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you wish, you can set your browser to reject cookies. However, if you do, you may not be able to take full advantage of the functionality of our website.


The Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” uses industry-standard methods and mechanisms, such as firewalls, intrusion control and passwords to protect electronic information. Also, multiple physical protection methods are used, such as locking devices and 24-hour room surveillance. Finally, access to private information is limited to staff and based on need.


The website of the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” may contain links to other Internet websites. The Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” does not control or approve external websites and is not responsible for the content of such places. This policy does not cover privacy policies and data collection practices on other websites.


Based on the data provided by the user, the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” can send an e-mail to the user. Each correspondence will contain an easy way to unsubscribe from further correspondence.

By agreeing to the Privacy Policy, you also agree to the Data Protection Declaration.


1. The person/entity collecting data is: Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic”


We store all the data we need to maintain a relationship with customers and clients. This data ranges from traditional information, including full name, e-mail address and country, to more extensive data that include full name, phone number, e-mail address, home and business address, as well as details of dependents.

For tax reasons, if you attend classes or purchase a product, we will keep your tax or VAT identification number and all the data we need to issue a valid invoice in all jurisdictions in which we operate. We can also store a shipping address, a product delivery address, and a billing address, which can be used to verify credit card payments or other payment methods.


We store your data in order to provide the services we offer free of charge and to fulfill our contractual obligations with our customers and clients. Personal data is stored so that we can send you information, free samples, recordings of telecalls/zoom calls, products and register you for seminars, classes and telecalls/zoom calls.

Recordings of lectures, classes and telecalls/zoom calls are stored and distributed to enable clients and customers to reproduce the lectures, classes or telecalls/zoom calls they have attended. After the above-mentioned lectures, classes or telecalls/zoom calls, the recordings are also converted into products that can be sold.


Our team and we have access to your data so that we can fulfill our contractual obligations to our customers and clients. Our team may include our communication and marketing team, our event organizers and our administrative staff.

In addition, for example, hiring external collaborators for IT and accounting specialist assignments sometimes requires us to grant consultants access to your data whenever and wherever necessary to meet our legal obligations to official authorities or to develop and improve our services.

In addition (1) Access Consciousness, LLC, 406 Present Street, Stafford, TKS 77477, United States, (2) Access Consciousness International Limited, 6 Greenview, Riverway, South Douglas Rd., Cork T12 DCR 4, Ireland, and (3) Access Seminars Australia PTI LTD, 55 Lorikeet Drive, Peregian Beach, KLD 4573, Australia, all three parties to be referred to as “Access Consciousness” or “Companies” have access to your basic data (full name, email address, postal address, country and telephone number) when you register for one of our Access classes and access it through our general website or via This applies to live classes, telecalls and online classes as well as classes offered live through lectures with audio and video streaming.

Please note: Access Consciousness only gains access to your basic data when you sign up for one of the Access Consciousness classes or calls we offer. Access Consciousness does not have access to your tax or VAT number.


As mentioned above, we share your data with Access Consciousness if you choose to attend Access Consciousness classes. We do not share data with Access Consciousness for our other classes. Access Consciousness is a franchise system that uses a common global marketing tool through its website

Please note: We do not share your data with facilitators whose classes you have not attended. Access Consciousness is bound by the same data protection declaration we adhere to.


Data is stored as long as:

  • we have a relationship with you as a customer, client or stakeholder,
  • we are legally liable for tax purposes,
  • until you unsubscribe or request that we delete your information.


As a client, you have the right to:

  • e-mail or subscription management,
  • correct all data we have saved,
  • request details of the data we have stored about you,
  • request the deletion or restriction of your stored data.

If you want to update, change or modify your data, let us know by contacting us at this e-mail address: If you would like to be deleted from our database, please contact us at the above e-mail address (


Yes, as a client, you must provide the information we need to be able to fulfill our contractual obligations within the various services we offer. Depending on what you ask of us, we will ask you to provide data that can range from your full name, e-mail address and country to more detailed details, including full name, phone number, email address, home and business address, as well as details of dependents.


We use cookies to make our website usable and useful. A pop-up window will appear when you first visit our website, saying that we use cookies and that by continuing you agree to place cookies on your computer. In the process, a cookie will be placed on your computer so that you will not see a pop-up every time you visit the website. We do not perform any form of automatic profiling. Sometimes we will check which topics the client may be interested in based on his previous choices of classes or products. We do not share your data or sell it to any outside agencies. The prerequisite check for advanced classes is processed automatically.


We use multiple systems to store your data in order to fulfill our contractual obligations with clients. Generally, data is stored in the cloud and on computers in our country of residence.


Stored data can only be accessed through a secure access point by users with permission to access the data.

This Data Protection Declaration is part of the Privacy Policy.


All our lectures and classes are photographed, audio and video recorded, and available to participants. Our free zoom calls and online classes are audio and video recorded, as well as some other selected projects, and the cameras are mostly focused on the facilitator. The projects we carry out live are also photographed. A disclaimer is a legal requirement that helps us provide teaching materials to both participants and a larger audience. If you do not want to be visible on zoom calls and online classes, turn off the camera and microphone. If you want to ask a question without being on the video, ask someone to ask a question for you or use the chat.

I acknowledge and agree that the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic”, Bombaska 3, Nis, Serbia, may take photographs, video and/or audio recordings of lectures, classes, workshops and events for which I register, regardless of being on the website or not. By preliminarily agreeing to register for lectures, classes and other valuable events, I grant the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” a royalty-free, non-revocable, transferable right, in perpetuity, anywhere in the world to:

  • record me, my name, my image and my voice, by any technology or means, while attending or participating in one or more classes, lectures or other events of the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic”;
  • store, copy, edit, display, distribute, sell and use such recordings in any way or in any form, including, but not limited to, promotional and marketing purposes;
  • take pictures of me during lectures, classes and use photos to promote the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” on their website, social networks, in books and prints.

I understand and agree that the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” may use photographs and recordings in complex or edited forms and I hereby waive my right to review or approve any version, including the finished version, of such photographs and recordings, including written copies, quotations or transcripts that may be created in connection therewith. I also acknowledge and agree that these audio and video recordings and photographs are used for educational purposes and that other participants can watch those recordings; in this context, I waive my personal intellectual property rights (image and sound).

This Release shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia.

I have read this Release, fully understand its terms and understand that I am voluntarily giving up certain rights available to me by law, including, but not limited to, any and all rights to fees or compensation from the use of the recordings by the Center for personal development and education of “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” or its founders, employees, licensees and representatives, for any purpose.

I understand that I may revoke these rights prior to the commencement of any lecture, class, zoom or telecall, or any other event, by notifying the registration staff. Furthermore, I understand that all the events are recorded and that is why I will not be able to ask questions at the events and I have to make sure at my own risk that I am not in the captured part of the video or image.

I acknowledge that I have the right to be informed which of my data is collected, used or processed in any other way and to what extent personal data is or will be processed. Therefore, the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” is obliged to respond to my request without undue delay, and no later than within a month.

The Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” respects that individuals must have control over their own personal data. Regardless of the transfer of my rights, I am still allowed to participate in lectures, classes, zoom or telecalls, and I understand that I must therefore contribute to the protection of my rights. At events, I have to wear a sign, provided by the staff at the entrance, to show that I do not want to be filmed or photographed.

I acknowledge that by checking the box I hereby waive, release and forever discharge the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” from any claims, demands or causes of action I may have arising out of or in connection with the Center’s use of the recordings to the greatest extent allowed by law.