Reiki of Inner Light

Reiki of Inner Light

Reiki of Inner Light is an energy method that allows you to show the light of your soul to the world. Our light nature is poorly visible in this reality because negative mental patterns and this reality affect our soul. Often, in order to survive in this reality, due to pain and resentment, we have developed defence mechanisms. We develop the defence mechanisms and raise the walls for protection. It served us at that moment, but later it can be a burden that prevents us from having a happy and fulfilled life. We diminish the light and love we possess but open ourselves to depression, anxiety, or emotional numbness. Therefore, the light of the soul is weak and sometimes it seems to be completely extinguished. Then we have the feeling that parts of the soul or the whole soul are leaving our body. It will further prevent us from functioning normally and feeling alive.

This treatment strengthens the light of the soul, which leads to more positive changes in all areas of life. Also, the treatment enables the release of negative patterns and the return of love and parts of the soul. It helps us increase the feeling of joy, happiness and love. While other energy methods remove walls and defence mechanisms, this energy method strengthens the light of the soul, making walls and defence mechanisms unnecessary. Changes happen from the inside out, so this method has an enlightening effect on us, our environment and the entire planet. When the light comes on, the darkness disappears, so everything dark and low-vibrant no longer resonates with us.

The client is in a sitting or lying position, while the practitioner does a treatment that lasts 10 minutes. There is a possibility of contact and remote work. For more information or to book an appointment, fill out the following registration form.

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