Reiki treatment

Reiki treatment

The Reiki treatment is a completely safe and non-invasive body process. It is used for relaxation and recovery, reducing anxiety and pain. Reiki can improve the quality of life. It is both powerful and gentle. In practice, Reiki has been shown to be beneficial for various problematic conditions in the body, from chronic to acute problems, such as cuts, burns, fractures, colds, flu, sore throats, insomnia, lack of self-confidence, etc. Reiki improves the effectiveness of all types of therapies, so it can be combined well with modern medicine. Also, Reiki reduces negative side effects, shortens healing time, reduces or eliminates pain and stress, restores optimism.

The Reiki treatment is recommended:

  • if you are exposed to stress,
  • if you have a lack of energy,
  • if you have trouble sleeping,
  • if you have weak immunity,
  • if you are emotionally unstable,
  • if you have frequent headaches or migraines,
  • if you need more concentration or creativity,
  • if you have problems establishing communication,
  • if you want to improve your health or lifestyle,
  • if you want to work on personal development, etc.

With the Reiki treatment, contraindications are possible:

  • if you have a built-in pacemaker,
  • if you have psychotic episodes, mental disorders, all types of schizophrenia,
  • in alcoholism, drugs,
  • in pregnancy.

Certain precautions are needed with people receiving insulin therapy.

The client is in a supine position, while the practitioner does a treatment that lasts 45-75 minutes. There is a possibility of contact and remote work. For more information or to book your appointment, fill out the following registration form.

Registration form

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