Reiki treatments

Reiki treatments

Reiki is a method that channels life energy in order to balance and harmonize all aspects of being, increase the capacity of vital energy, strengthen the body’s defences, improve health and quality of life. The method originates from Japan, so the Reiki name means universal (Rei) life energy (Ki). In other cultures and languages, they called it: Chi, Prana, Bioenergy, Ka, Pnevma, Vakan, Holy Spirit, Light, Baraka, etc.

Through scientific research, it has been determined that one person receives an average of 5-10% of life energy from space. It is interesting that the use of the Reiki method enables the inflow of life energy into the body 90-100%. Reiki affects the human body directly through the energy channel, biofield and endocrine system. A person achieves a psycho-physical condition by flowing the required amount of life energy through the energy channel and the person’s body. Channelling and directing life energy is done by placing the palms on a certain area of the body.

Reiki treatments

Reiki treatment

The Reiki treatment is a relaxing and non-invasive process used to remove energy blockages: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Vortex of Abundance

The Vortex of Abundance brings you a large amount of abundance and the energy of prosperity in business, career, finances and life.

Soulmate Reiki

Soulmate Reiki involves removing blockages regarding anything related to the soulmate or the manifestation of the soulmate.

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing removes all energy connections with ancestors that limit us from living our full potential.

Reiki of Inner Light

Reiki of Inner Light is an energy method that allows you to show the light of your soul to the world.