Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

By browsing the website www.ecveselinovic.com and the content that you can access on or through it, you agree to fully accept all terms & conditions (disclaimer). In case you do not agree with any of the terms, then this site is not for you.

All information contained on our website is only for informational and educational purposes. No education and service published on our website can, directly or indirectly, replace professional medical care. Contact your healthcare provider if you have or suspect you may have a health problem of any nature. You hold responsibility for all actions taken based on the information from this website. The information from this website or our classes you have attended should not be a reason for neglecting professional medical advice or delaying seeking advice, ie. professional help.

You agree to voluntarily access the website and to be solely and personally responsible for your choices, actions and results – now and in the future. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use or non-use of the information available on the website and agree to use personal judgment before applying any idea, suggestion or recommendation from the website to your life, family or friends.

We do not take responsibility, directly or indirectly, for:

  • your decision to apply to yourself or others what you have read on this page,
  • your decision to allow someone who has attended some of our classes to apply the knowledge to you,
  • for damages caused by the use or misuse of information from this website or class, you have attended.

The role of our personal development coaches and lecturers on the website is to provide you with support and assistance in achieving your targets, but your success depends solely on your motivation and commitment to achieving them. They cannot predict or guarantee that you will achieve a certain result, and you accept and understand that the results are different for each individual. The results of each individual depend on his unique biography, commitment, desire, motivation, action and many other factors. You fully agree that there are no limits to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through the website.

As in all situations, sometimes there are unknown individual risks and circumstances that may arise from using the website and that may affect or mitigate the results. You understand and accept that you take all suggestions and recommendations from or through the website at your own risk, without any liability of our personal development coaches and lecturers.

From time to time, the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” may promote or cooperate with other individuals or companies whose programs, products and services are aligned with its. In a spirit of transparency, we want you to be aware that there may be times when we promote programs, products or services for other partners and in return, we may receive financial compensation or other rewards. At the same time, you agree that any such promotion or marketing does not serve as any form of support. You are still required to use your own assessment to determine if such a program, product, or service is appropriate for you. You take all risks and agree that the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” is not responsible in any way for any program, product or service that it can promote, sell or share on the website or through it.

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information shared on or through the website, the information may inadvertently contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. You agree that the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” is not responsible for the views, opinions or accuracy of any facts presented on or through the website, or any other individual or company affiliated with the website. Given that scientific, technological and business practices are constantly evolving, you agree that the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic” is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on the website, nor any errors and omissions that may occur.

The copyright holder of the texts on the website www.ecveselinovic.com is its owner. You have the right to use them if you cite the source of the text exclusively in the following form: “Source: www.ecveselinovic.com”.

By using the website www.ecveselinovic.com you agree to all parts of the above terms & conditions.