The path to consciousness, the path to success

September 8, 2021

The path to consciousness, the path to success

Success is a famous term that constantly, under the pressure of society, forces us to judge ourselves in terms of whether we are successful or not, right or wrong, good or bad. What is success for you? To have a rich career, a lot of money, expensive cars, children, to be happy… What definitions of success do you use in your life? How much do you judge yourself if you don’t achieve what you desire? How much do you care what others say about what you do? How much of your success and happiness do you build on the expectations of others?

Which model of success involves awareness? Where have we been taught to be aware, not to judge and not to exclude anything? What if consciousness is the main factor of success? Consciousness allows us to create life from the truth, choice and possibility, not from illusion, stress, drama, and trauma. When we are aware, then we always choose and create more in life and look for new possibilities. A small step is still a step. What step can we take today to outcreate ourselves and become what will lead us to the life we ​​desire?

Life is a journey. How much fun, ease, joy and everything else we will have along the way depends only on us. Yes, you read that right, on us. When exactly did we hand over responsibility for our lives to others? Are we finally ready to become leaders of our lives? Or would we rather be a follower and hand over responsibility to others so we can blame them for what we create in our lives? We can also be mediocre, where we will always belittle and go against ourselves for the sake of others.

When will we finally fit into our full capacity and create the life we ​​desire? The next opportunity for that is the introductory webinar “The Path to Consciousness, the Path to Success”, where we will deal with consciousness, perception, changeable and constant distractions, success, and the Follower-Mediocrity-Leader (PML) model. The PML model was created by Nemanja Veselinović, our coach of personal development and energy transformation, to diagnose dimensions where we can improve ourselves and aspects of life that do not function.

If you are willing to gain new knowledge with a lot of interaction and practical work on yourself, then this is the right opportunity for you. This webinar will empower you to embark on the path of change and to choose consciousness as the basis for a successful life. After the webinar, you will have an opportunity to enroll on three levels of workshops within the Circle of Infinite Possibilities program” (Discomfort-Possibility-Change model), where we will work on all levels: emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.

The interactive webinar “The Path to Consciousness, the Path to Success” will be held on October 9 from 12 to 2 p.m. You can take a look at the Facebook event here, and you can sign up for the webinar via the registration form at the bottom of the following page. The first 10 registrations receive a 25% discount. After registration, you will receive payment instructions. As soon as you pay the registration fee for the webinar, you will receive all additional information regarding the webinar and join our Facebook group. You also get two manuals (for the webinar + 1 free for Psychomatrix Analysis). Join us and let’s have fun, change and create something easier and more joyful together!