

ThetaHealing® is an energy-meditative technique that allows us to find the main cause of the problem, i.e. a program in the subconscious that prevents us from living the life we ​​desire, and remove it (reprogramming). This technique is a process that liberates us on all levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It was founded by Vianna Stibal in America in 1994 and was originally called the Orian technique. The technique is based on theta brain waves (frequency from 4 to 7 Hz), when we are able to expand consciousness, change beliefs and the way we observe ourselves and the world around us.

Initially, it was believed that theta brain waves can be achieved only in a state of sleep, or deep meditation. However, the electroencephalograph has repeatedly proven that the practitioner and the client enter the theta state of mind during work, which means that this technique provides the possibility of accessing the subconscious mind without entering deep sleep. This means that we can access negative content in the subconscious in a simple way and thus improve the quality of life. ThetaHealing® allows us to completely erase useless belief systems and replace them with ones that will benefit us in life. In addition, this technique gives us the opportunity to install emotions, which we have not had the opportunity to experience in life, and which we need at the current stage of life.

ThetaHealing® is recommended for:

  • discovering the deepest fundamental beliefs on all four levels of existence (basic, genetic, historical and soul level), which we can change quickly and efficiently, for our greatest and highest good,
  • work on emotions – resentment, anger, rejection, sadness, guilt, etc.,
  • elimination of traumas, fears, panic attacks, anxiety, depression,
  • treatment of various types of diseases (cancer, diabetes, viral and bacterial diseases),
  • improvement of private, business and partnership relations,
  • improvement of relationship with yourself and self-confidence,
  • pain relief,
  • genetic records cleansing,
  • liberation of ancestral heritage and burdens from past lives,
  • removing the blockages we have picked up from the collective consciousness,
  • higher level of understanding of certain life situations and relationships,
  • letting go of what does not benefit us with complete ease,
  • facilitating the decision-making process,
  • achieving harmony, health and peace.

The technique is intended for:

  • people who want to remove subconscious limiting beliefs and emotions,
  • people who want more awareness, joy and ease in life,
  • people who want to witness positive change,
  • animals,
  • space energy cleansing.

The treatment includes a conversation with the client and energetic work lasting 90 minutes. To book your appointment, use the following registration form.

Registration form

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