Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki

Reiki is a method that channels life energy in order to balance and harmonize all aspects of being, increase the capacity of vital energy, strengthen the body’s defences, improve health and quality of life. The method originates from Japan, so the name Reiki means universal (Rei) life energy (Ki). In other cultures and languages, they called it: Chi, Prana, Bioenergy, Ka, Pnevma, Vakan, Holy Spirit, Light, Baraka, etc.

Through scientific research, it has been determined that one person receives an average of 5-10% of life energy from space. It is interesting that the use of the Reiki method enables the inflow of life energy into the body 90-100%. Reiki affects the human body directly through the energy channel, biofield and endocrine system. A person achieves the psycho-physical condition by flowing the required amount of life energy through the energy channel and the person’s body. Channelling and directing life energy is done by placing the palms on a certain area of ​​the body.

Life energy cannot be misused or used for bad purposes. It remains in the body for up to 5 hours after the treatment and is constantly spreading, thus affecting the environment of the person who is a Reiki practitioner. The Reiki method harmonizes all systems in the body, including the mental and emotional levels, and changes old patterns of behaviour and thinking. The attunement process, the so-called initiation is performed by the master-teacher with the help of a special technique of channelling life energy.

The Reiki method is recommended:

  • if you are interested in mastering any of the energy methods,
  • if you are exposed to stress,
  • if you have a lack of energy,
  • if you have trouble sleeping,
  • if you have weak immunity,
  • if you are emotionally unstable,
  • if you have frequent headaches or migraines,
  • if you need more concentration or creativity,
  • if you have problems establishing communication,
  • if you want to improve your health or lifestyle,
  • if you want to work on personal development, etc.

With the Reiki method, contraindications are possible:

  • if you have a built-in pacemaker,
  • if you have psychotic episodes, mental disorders, all types of schizophrenia,
  • in alcoholism, drugs,
  • in pregnancy.

Certain precautions are needed with people receiving insulin therapy.

You can lower the price of the class if you become our affiliate member and are engaged in the promotion and sale of educational and other services. You can read more information about our affiliate program here. You can see the dates of introductory classes and all levels of the Usui Reiki class on the calendar. If you want to attend a free introductory class, fill out the registration form below.

Levels of Usui Reiki classes

Level 1 – Usui Reiki

The first level introduces you to the basics of technique, performing self-treatments and using the technique in everyday life.

Level 2 – Usui Reiki

The second level introduces you to remote work, working with other people and additional techniques that you can use in everyday life.

Level 3 – Usui Reiki

The third level introduces you to attuning and teaching others, additional techniques and non-traditional Reiki symbols.


Duration: 1 hour (40 minutes of presentation and 20 minutes for questions).

Type: online.

To get more information about the method, you can listen to a free introductory class. In the introductory class, we will explain in more detail how the method works and the benefits you can get from its regular use. Registrations for the introductory class are required. You can see the date of the next introductory class on the calendar. To register for the introductory class, fill out the following registration form.

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