Webinar “The Path to Consciousness, the Path to Success”

Webinar “The Path to Consciousness, the Path to Success”

Duration: 3 hours.

Type: online.

What is success for you? Do you consider yourself successful in life? Whose parameters do you use for success? What lies, fabrications and illusions do you use to judge yourself as not successful enough or good enough? Success is always a modern topic. Many people feel pressured in life to be successful. Many strive to be successful in order to avoid the judgments of family, friends and the environment. How long do you live other people’s lives because of other people’s definitions of success?

The interactive webinar “The Path to Consciousness, The Path to Success” allows us to become aware of the programs we operate by when it comes to success and to open ourselves to a new consciousness, a new life based on consciousness, consciousness as the basis of success, and change. At the webinar, we cover numerous topics related to success, such as consciousness, perception, distractions, success, a new program and model of personal development called “Conscious Leader – Creator” and “Follower-Mediocrity-Leader model” (FML model). This model includes 20 dimensions with which we can determine where we are currently on this scale and how we can improve our position. Where are you in this model?

Also, the webinar is an introduction to the upcoming workshops within the entire program, where we will work at all levels: emotional, mental, spiritual and physical. In the introductory webinar, you will be introduced to a program called the Circle of Infinite Possibilities” (DPC model – Discomfort-Possibility-Change model) and it includes 3 levels of workshops. Both models were created by our coach of personal development and energy transformation, Nemanja Veselinović. You can expect more information about the workshops soon.

The interactive webinar will allow you to:

  • to get better acquainted with the topic of success,
  • to become aware of your definition of success,
  • to release and change the restrictive implanted programs (beliefs) we have taken from others,
  • to understand the impact of the environment on us,
  • to get rid of other people’s projections, expectations and judgments,
  • to regain confidence,
  • to take responsibility for your life,
  • to freely create the life you desire and be the leader of your life,
  • to improve relationships with other people,
  • to improve your quality of life and aspects that do not function,
  • to further your education in the next program called “the Circle of Infinite Possibilities”.

The webinar is held online via the Zoom application. You can see the next webinar date on the calendar. Webinar registrations are required. After registering, you will receive all the information regarding the conditions that you must meet in order to attend the webinar. You can register for the webinar using the following registration form.

Registration form

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