Welcome to our blog

May 5, 2021

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to the blog of the Center for personal development and education “Energy Clinic Veselinovic”. We look forward to spending time with you, not only through the educations and other services we have prepared and are preparing for you, but also through our blog. The main target of starting the blog is to discuss with you numerous topics related to personal development and energy transformation, with the aim of spreading awareness of the need for personal development in the life of each individual.

Have you ever wondered why personal development is important? Personal development permeates all aspects of life, so if we put personal development at the center of our interests and plans, all plans in other areas of life will be implemented much faster and easier. Also, personal development allows us to be more aware and present in all possible situations, to better control ourselves and our emotions, to be in action instead of in reaction.

When we work on ourselves, not only we will better understand and accept ourselves but also other people. This allows us to build a better relationship with ourselves and other people, and to improve private, business and other relationships. Personal development is a process that lasts throughout our lives because we continuously learn from every situation and every person, not only from a child or an elderly person but from nature, animals.

A crucial thing is that it must be our choice. We are often not interested in our personal development because we primarily think that there is no time for that or it is not relevant. It is often an indicator that we do not choose to have time for ourselves, so we are dissatisfied, unhappy, stressed, stuck, anxious, in fear and so on. We are trying hard to survive, instead of living life to the fullest, choosing differently and creating more in our lives.

Life is completely connected with our choices. Working on oneself, that is, working on consciousness, also means creating abundance in every aspect of life and working on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. There are tools and techniques of personal development that we can apply every day with total ease. It will not take us much time and it will give great results. If personal development means more laughter, joy, money, would you choose that path? And the key question is – are you willing to work on yourself?

If so, we are here for you. We want to help and facilitate you on the path of your personal development. On the blog, we will cover various topics, such as: awareness, energy, perception, choice, relationships, emotions, etc. In addition, we will share with you many techniques and tools that can be used in your daily life. You can follow our Instagram profile @ecveselinovic, Facebook, Youtube or Linkedin profile @Energy Clinic Veselinovic. Also, you can contact us and suggest what topics you want us to write about, so we can make this blog even more interesting and inspiring for all of you.


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